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Radiation Control of food products

Course information

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological m aterials on radiation safety. The system o f state supervision, inter-departmental and departmental control o f radiation safety o f products. Basic technical and design characteristics o f radiation safety o f products, principles and methods for assessing the level of radiation safety o f products, the specifics o f selecting'indicators o f radiation safety o f products

Results of training in the discipline:

- distinguishes between legislative and regulatory acts for determ ining radiation safety indicators, possesses inform ation about the system o f state supervision, inter-dep'artmental and departm ental control o f radiation safety o f products; - formulates the main technical and design characteristics o f radiation safety products, principles and methods for assessing the level o f radiation safety o f products; - analyzes data on the radiation safety o f products and ways to find the causes of defects, com puter technologies for planning and carrying out work to im prove the radiation safety of products; - calculates and selects radiation safety indicators for various types o f products, and solves problems related to m onitoring radiation safety o f products in order to improve production.

Practical work video

Practical work video 1

Practical work video 2

Practical work video 3

Practical work video 4

Practical work video 5

Practical work video 6

Practical work video 7

Practical work video 8

Practical work video 9

Practical work video 10

course author

Азимова Сана Туглуковна

PhD doctor, acting Department of "Food Safety and Quality", is the executor of the grant project on science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Awarded with medals and diplomas of Russia. Guidelines have been developed and published for performing laboratory, practical and seminar classes in Russian on the discipline "Food Safety", "Fundamentals of Livestock Production Technology", "Quality Assessment and Expertise of Food Products".

Regularly conducted current and pre-examination consultations, took exams, manages pre-diploma and diploma practice, advises graduates on the preparation of a thesis, supervises the implementation and participation in public events of the university

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