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Basic English Language A1-A2 ATU

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Course information

Are you tired of learning by heart and not getting any results? You are on the right way! Basic English Language course is addressed to those who would like to get to know English Language and start to communicate at last. You can learn easily how to use grammatical structures in your everyday speech, to listen to native speaker's speech and write about yourself.

It is your chance to feel the language and love it as most people do!

Wish you luck and hope to see you at my Basic English Language course.

Requirements to learners

You must have eager to study hard. I think, this is the only thing you neeed to be with us! Reaching stars is not a fairytale, it is a real life!

Course author

Фотография преподавателя #1


Let me introduce myself. My name is Ainur Abdullayeva. I am the seniour instructor of the Basic English Language course. I have the Master's degree. Having been in the USA, i am going to tell you not only about English itself, but about the people too.


How long do i take part in the course?

5 weeks

Do i get any certificate after completion?

You can get the certificate paying the certificate fee (2000 tenges)

How many hours am i going to learn?

30 hours